Dear friends, we have the pleasure of inviting you to the next film screening.
On Wednesday 20th November 2019, from 7pm to 9pm, in collaboration with the Brighthelm Centre, the Earth Church and No Hate Speech UK Network, we will be screening the documentary “True Cost” at the ground floor auditorium at the Brighthelm Centre (North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YD).
“True Cost” is a groundbreaking documentary that reveals the devastating effects of the global fashion industry on the environment and human rights. Directed by Andrew Morgan, the documentary investigates the dark side of the “fast fashion” industry: from the culture of consumerism in mass media, to environmental pollution and workers exploitation. Realised trough a crowdfunding campaign and premiered at Cannes Film Festival 2015, the film features a carefully put together collage of interviews with activists, garment workers, factory owners and fair trade entrepreneurs.
After the film, we will invite our audience to an open discussion on community initiatives to promote environmental sustainability and social equity in fashion.
Language: English
Running time: 92 minutes.
Doors will be open from 6.30pm onwards.
Best wishes from all of us here.
#Love #Peace and #Solidarity,
Euro-Mernet team
Euro-Mernet Film Club aims to raise awareness on social issues and promote the cultural heritage of diverse communities by screening films from around the world, with particular focus on Mediterranean, Middle East, and the entire Europe.
The films we screen are usually social comedies, satirical pieces, documentaries and similar independent productions. Sometimes our film screenings are followed by a talk by a director/producer/actor/actress themselves and/or a discussion between the guests on the film.
All our events, including the film screenings, are FREE. You are always welcome to join Euro-Mernet Film Club and enjoy watching films together with us.
More information about past and future Euro-Mernet Film Club screenings and other public events, please visit the our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/euromernet and Euro-Mernet website www.euromernet.org If you wish to be added into our mailing list, you can contact us by email: info@euromernet.org